Other Leave Types

This topic describes a typical and basic setup only and cannot cover all permutations. It is your own responsibility to ensure that your settings comply with the awards or workplace agreements which govern any additional leave types.

As standard, payroll can accrue annual, sick and long service leave. 'Other Leave Types' allows the system to accrue additional leave types. Other leave types are available with Advantage only. For example: 

  • A group of employees are entitled to 5 productivity days per annum, which are in addition to the standard 20 days annual leave. Their award stipulates that productivity days can only be taken when all standard annual leave has been used. For this reason, it must be recorded separately to standard annual leave.

Other leave types' are not required for leave such as bereavement leave, public holidays, unpaid leave etc. Even though the employee may be entitled to these leave types, they do not need to accrue a balance for them.

There are a number of steps within the process of setting up new Leave Types:

In addition you may apply the new Leave Type to Multiple Employees or to Individual Employees.